thank you very much for your e-mail. Let me first describe what exactly we have in mind and how you could actually help us.
Currently we are preparing an article about global web design trends and we would like to cover recent developments, new ideas and innovative web design concepts in South America, Eastern Europe and Asia – these articles are the part of our upcoming series “Global Web Design Trends”. This series will cover the most important designers, artists, web design-related blogs and projects from each region of the world.
Each article will cover one specific region – for instance, South America and describe current web desgns trends and developments there. What we are looking for are basically insights from the region, detals about what is going on in web design and graphics design. Unfortunately, in the English-speaking world these insights are really hard to find – with the new series about global web design we would like to change it, because we are confident that there are a plenty of creative ideas from talented designers across the globe.
Since you come from Brazil, here are some details about what exactly you could do to help us. Fábio Sasso, the creative mind behind, is currently preparing an article about the state of web design in South America. It would be great if you could assist him and help him to get the most objective overview of the current state of the web design in your country / region.
To help us to prepare the article, please answer the following 5 questions in this forum thread
(you’ll need to register first – it will take just 7 seconds!)
and please also post a link to your portfolio/blog in your reply in the forum, so we can refer to you in the article.
Question 1:
Please tell us briefly about yourself, where do you come from and what do you do?
Question 2:
What do you think, what are the most important design trends in your region? Hand-writing style, grunge, minimalism? Are desigenrs and developers more concerned
about usability? What layouts are more popular – fixed or fluid? What about typography? Have the CSS-based designs become standard in the industry? What is in
your opinion different in designs in US/Europe and in your country? What makes your designs really different?
Question 3:
Please provide us with the URLs of beautiful or/and original web designs from your country – the more, the better.
Question 4:
Please send us URLs to most popular / important design-related resources in your country (CSS showcases, blogs, magazines, podcasts, whatever…)
Question 5:
Please provide us with links to most useful web-design-tools, developed by designers/developers from your country; which of them do you use on the daily basis?
Please send the answers as soon as possible – until the end of the next week.
Please also forward this e-mail to your friends from South/Central America and
ask them to participate in our series using our forum. Your input is very
important to us and the more replies we get, the better the quality of
the article will be!
If you have some good contacts in Asia, please send their contact information to me.
Thank you very much for participation, we really appreciate your efforts.